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Handout 7-1

Handout 7-1

Q Name __________________________________________ Date _____________________ Handout 7-1: Parenting Styles Listed below are a number of situations where a parent would have to decide how best to reprimand a child. In small groups, decide how you would handle the situation and explain what parenting style it represents. • Your 14-year-old son has brought home a very bad report card consisting of one “C,” two “D”s, and several “F”s. This is his first bad report card. In the past, your son has gotten mostly “C”s and “B”s. • Your daughter, who is in the seventh grade, wants to go on a date with a boy who is in the ninth grade. • Your sixth grader has started using swear words during his normal conversations around the house. • You have one child, a 15-year-old, and you found him sneaking a couple of cans of beer out of the refrigerator. PreviousNext

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1. First I would try to talk to him and to avoid screams, I would ask him what is the cause that he thinks led him to have bad grades and during this talk I would try to show him my support. At the same time, he would try to detect the problem that led him to lower his grades, although he would try to understand his situation, he would have to punish him in some way and for an adolescent, a very strong punishment is to take away his cell phone, so that's what he would do like this. In a way, he would understand that what he did is wrong and that in order to recover something he wants, he will have to make his sacrifices.